Tuesday, April 17, 2007

God made a big difference in my life...

Before I came to know God, my life had no direction. I believed so much in myself. My family is very religious but I never understood what the bible is all about but deep inside me I know there was a God.

Finally a friend of mine invited me to attend their church service. When I attended their church, I realized that the pastor was preaching about my life and mentioned that if I only let God run my life, I would be a changed person. God is really true to his word, I accepted Christ and became born-again.

Also what excite me was that the church had a basketball team. I was asking God if he would allow me to be part of the team, I would dedicate my life in serving Him through the sports ministry. Well, God honored my prayer, now I am part of the team and I am enjoying every minute of it. This time playing for the Lord. I now put God first in everything I do especially during our games.

I hope I can always be a big influence to my teammates and also to the other team.

Praise the Lord!

Gene Alfred Pallada


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