Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Source of Change (Testimony of Coach Rael Diaz)

I was born with a different eye defect (partially cross-eyed). I grew up with a lot of resentments. In short, I was a very insecure person even up to the point of asking God why was I born this way.

As a person I really love the game of basketball. Because of my interest in the sport, I started to get involve in basketball clinics and even knowing how to officiate a game. My involvement with sports resulted to coaching a local high school team in our area. Soon I was invited by a pastor to coach his church-team that was going to join ICBL, a local church-based league.

Suddenly, our pastor started to share the word of God during our team practices and even invited us to his church services. As a coach, I set an example to the players so I made sure that I was one of the first who will attend the church services. I started to read the bible and made sure I was listening to the sermon of our pastor. During one of our regular services when our pastor gave the invitation for us to receive the Lord Jesus Christ, I was one of those who made that decision and my unique spiritual journey had begun. I started to read my bible regularly which resulted to experiencing the blessings of God in my life.

I am enjoying my coaching in ICBL, this time with a different church-team. I promised myself that I would also coach my players about the game of life. One of the things I thank the Lord is that He has taken away my insecurities, doubts and frustrations about life.

My favorite verse in the bible is found in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; Old things are passed away; Behold all things are become new…”

Coach Rael Diaz
Head Coach, Sto. Domingo Alliance Gospel Church


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